Saturday, March 21, 2015

18 Thought-Provoking Questions

If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?

What we do in life echoes in eternity. Our echo must be peace. Peace is the key to survival and progress. We must unite as brothers and sisters of this planet, and protect what is left of our Earth, so our children can have a future that is promising. We must honor our world and all living things that share the space with us. We must teach our children to imagine, once again. We ourselves, must learn to imagine once again. Love must prevail!

If you were going to die at midnight, what would you be doing at 11:45pm?
Having sex

How do you really KNOW anything for sure?
You never do.

If you had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of job, what would you choose to do? Run my own non-profit

When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you? How many times I went for what I believed in

What do you regret most so far in life? Wasting time

How can you apply the lesson you learned from that regret to your life TODAY?
Treat others as I wish to be treated and put off nothing til tomorrow. Also, give free hugs forever and always

What would you change if you were told with 100% certainty that God does not exist? Or if you don’t believe in God, that he does exist? Nothing

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you want to run into? My mother's. I don't tell her enough, how much I love and appreciate her.

Do you fear death? If so, do you have a good reason? No

What would you change if you knew you were NEVER going to die? Nothing

If you were at heaven’s gates, and God asked “you why should I let you in?”, what would you say? I do not believe in an afterlife in heaven. I do believe in reincarnation.

When will you be good enough for you? Is there some breaking point where you will accept everything about yourself? I already have. I’m too much sometimes lol

Is the country you live in really the best fit for you? I don’t believe so. I would fare better in more liberal lands

What would people say about you at your funeral? The ride was never dull when she was around. She always practiced kindness and love. She stood up for what she believed in. Fake was not ever an issue with her. The world is/was blessed by her presence.

What small thing could you do to make someone’s day better? Smile. Hold a door open for them. Ask them how their day is.

(If you believe in god) would your relationship with god change it all if you were told with 100% certainty that he was actually a she? If there is a god, it’s a woman

What do you believe stands between you and complete happiness? Procrastination

Have some more questions or some even more thought-provoking answers? Please share them below!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Carl Sagan was a Majestic Soul.

"We go about our daily lives, understanding almost nothing of the world. We give little thought to the machinery that generates the sunlight, which in-turn makes life possible. To the gravity that glues us to the Earth, that would otherwise send us spinning off into space. Or to the atoms of which we are made, and on whose stability we fundamentally depend.
Few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is. Where the cosmos came from? Whether it was always there? If time will one day flow backward? Whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can know? What is the smallest piece of matter? Why do we remember the past and not the future? And why there is a here and now? " - Mr. Carl Sagan