Saturday, May 16, 2015

Music has Yet Again Suffered a Great Loss

  The Blues took the music industry by storm. It gave a stylish outlet for the "blue" feelings in life. Slaves were the first blues singers, then much, much later, blues singers and guitar players surfaced and gave us some of the best songs ever written and played. The style of guitar playing that usually accompanies the blues is a soulful and unique one that can always be distinguished from other types and styles. 

  BB King was one of the greatest blues players in music history. His words were from the heart and spoke a truth that you just had to respect. His fingers graced the guitars he picked and the product was a magical sound that would make one stop and listen out of respect and awe. 

  His words will live on and his songs will never stop jiving. Teach younger generations about him and all other blues players so he may echo in eternity and in our ears. Rest in Peace Good Sir. A million thanks for your music! 

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Vows from My Heart to Another

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: If there is any reaction, both are transformed.”- Carl Jung

  When we met, the stars fulfilled a destiny in the making. The circumstances were not “ideal” but it was not an accident. You complete me. My love for you is the epitome unconditional surrender. I’m giving you my heart and future. 

 Time has not and will not always allow us to physically be together. However, our hearts never stray from one another. Your smile is always present in my mind. Your touch always lingers on my skin. Your voice always echoes in my ear.

  We’re allies in the best-of-sense. Our hearts hum the same song. Various people crossing our paths, never will come close to impacting you nor I, the way we impact each other. Thus, it will become apparent that this love is the one true love we are meant to dedicate ourselves to. We’ll walk through all the valleys of life, hand-in-hand, and conquer life as a powerful union.  
 Our love is the sweetest song ever written and its echo will linger in eternity. Tis' the greatest of all my pleasures to write and play its melody every day; from now til' I close my eyes forever.

Friday, May 1, 2015

I advocate this website and service

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